Friday, September 23, 2011

PD 1312 MIT conversion to USM

Presidential Decree 1312

WHEREAS, the constitution of the Philippines directs the State to establish and maintain a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development, and further prescribes that all educational institutions shall aim, among other things, to develop scientific, technological and vocational efficiency;

WHEREAS, under Presidential Decree No. 6-A, promulgated on September 29, 1972, it has been declared a policy of the Government to orient the educational system towards an accelerated national economic growth;

WHEREAS, the southern part of Mindanao needs a state university to help in accelerating the socio-economic development of the region;

WHEREAS, the Mindanao Institute of Technology, established under Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred Sixty Three as amended by Republic Act Numbered Four Thousand One Hundred Twenty Seven, situated in the Municipality of Kabacan, Province of North Cotabato, has achieved a high degree of development that it is now capable of rendering greater service to the people of Mindanao;

WHEREAS, the Institute is strategically located, being situated at the intersection of the highways connecting the cities of Cotabato, Davao and Cagayan de Oro and, therefore, very accessible to students from the different parts of Mindanao;

WHEREAS, the Conversion of the Mindanao Institute of Technology into a University which broadens its curricular offerings would permit the enrollment of more students in different higher education courses, thus hastening the integration of Christians, Muslims, and other cultural communities in Southern Mindanao;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers in me vested by the Constitution, and pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081 dated September 21, 1972, as amended, do hereby order and decree to be part of the laws of the land the following:

Section 1. The present Mindanao Institute of Technology, located in the Municipality of Kabacan, Province of North Cotabato, is hereby converted into the University of Southern Mindanao (USM).

Section 2. The University shall have the following major functions:
    (a) Provide programs of instruction and professional training primarily in the fields of science and technology, specially in agriculture and industrial fields;
    (b) Promote advance studies, research and extension services and progressive leadership in all fields of agriculture, including agribusiness, foods and nutrition, fishery, forestry, animal and veterinary sciences, engineering, industrial education, and other courses needed in the socio-economic development of Mindanao;
    (c) Develop courses at the graduate level along its fields of specialization to respond to the needs of development workers in the academic community in the region;
    (d) Provide non-formal education and undertake vigorous extension and research programs in food production, nutrition, health and sports development; and
    (e) Offer scholarships and/or part-time job opportunities to deserving students from low-income families.

Section 3. The University of Southern Mindanao shall have the general powers of a corporation set forth in the Corporation Law, and the administration of such University and the exercise of its corporate powers are vested exclusively in the Board of Regents and in the President of the University insofar as authorized by said Board.

Section 4. The head of the University shall be known as the President of the University of Southern Mindanao. He shall be appointed by the Board of Regents for a term of six years with a contingent appointment of University Professor in his discipline and a compensation to be fixed by the said Boards. The powers and duties of the President of the University, in addition to those specifically provided for in this decree, shall be those usually pertaining to the Office of the President of the University.

Section 5. The governing body of the University shall be the Board of Regents of the University of Southern Mindanao.
    (a) The Board of Regents shall take appropriate steps to ensure that the establishment of the University of Southern Mindanao shall aim at the speedy realization of the goals above indicated;
    (b) To facilitate this objective, there shall be a Board of Regents of eight members composed of:
1.            Secretary, Department of Education and Culture              Chairman
2.            University President       Vice-Chairman
3.            Director for Regional Planning, National Economic & Development Authority (NEDA)       Member
4.            President of the USM Alumni Association             Member
5.            One prominent Muslim of the Region to be appointed by the President of the Philippines upon recommendation of the Secretary of Education and Culture            Member
6.            Secretary, Department of Agriculture     Member
7.            Chairman, National Science Development Board               Member
8.            A representative of the USM Student Body         Member
    (c) Members of the Board shall serve without compensation in any form whatsoever, whether as salary, honorarium, allowances or other emoluments; Provided, however, that actual and necessary expenses incurred either in attendance upon meeting of the Board or upon other official business duly authorized by the Board may be reimbursed by the members.

Section 6. In addition to its general powers of administration, the Board of Regents shall have the following powers and duties:
    (a) To appoint, upon the recommendation of the President, the following:
        1. The Secretary of the University, and other officers of administration therein;
        2. The deans, directors, or heads of colleges, schools, institutes and other principal units of the University, academic or non-academic, which are not supervised by or attached to such units;
        3. Faculty members with the rank of associate professor or higher, professional lecturers, visiting or exchange faculty; and other officers and employees whose starting salaries are at least equal to that of associate professor, insofar as the following personnel actions are involved: original appointments; reappointments/renewal/transfer with change in rank or salaries; and promotion or salary increases.

    (b) To plan and provide for the establishment of schools, colleges, and departments for the professional degrees in agriculture, engineering, home economics, education, industrial education, forestry, fishery, animal and veterinary medicine sciences, architecture and other such schools, colleges, and departments as deemed necessary; and advanced or graduate degrees along the foregoing fields.
    (c) To authorize and appropriate revolving funds for the operation and management of all university income producing projects and to promulgate rules and regulations for the operation and management of the same and for the accounting and auditing of their funds, income and expenses, any provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding.
    (d) To admit to the University, public institutions of learning in Southern Mindanao which may desire to affiliate as schools or colleges or branches of the University; Provided, That such institutions are eligible for affiliation and that such affiliation will enhance the purposes of the University.
    (e) To authorize the construction and repair of all university buildings and other permanent improvements under the direct administration and supervision of the University, upon recommendation of the President.
    (f) To promulgate policies, rules and regulations necessary for the effective and efficient governance of the university, delegate certain authorities and responsibilities to the President as deemed appropriate, and prescribe rule under which the President can enter into contracts without prior approval of the Board of Regents, for the acquisition of properties and services, and purchase of equipment and supplies not exceeding certain cost or value; Provided, that all such contracts shall be reported to the Board of Regents and purchase of equipment and supplies not exceeding certain cost or value; Provided, that all such contracts shall be reported to the Board of Regents.

Section 7. The President shall be the chief executive of the University and shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
    (a) To provide leadership for the University and shall preserve and protect its academic integrity and ensure the observance and implementation of the policies laid down by the Board of Regents.
    (b) To exercise within the framework of University policies primary authority and responsibility over the following areas: development planning and resource allocations; grants, endowments and fund raising; external relations and public affairs; and University policy relating to regional development programs, curricula, and matters affecting the rights, privileges, responsibilities and welfare of the University constituency.
    (c) To formulate integrated and comprehensive plans for the University, including academic, research, extension, physical development, and fiscal plans.

    (d) To coordinate the activities and programs of the University with the other component units and institutions, and have under review goals and objectives of the various units and institutions, appraise their performance in relation to goals, and recommend appropriate action by the Board of Regents.
    (e) To appoint officers, faculty members, and other employees in the University, subject to Section 6 of this decree; and to designate officers-in-charge of the units therein for a period not exceeding two months, without prejudice to the authority granted deans and directors to designate officers-in-charge their respective units.
    (f) To appoint, transfer or promote personnel of the University as herein below provided; fix their work schedules; grant leaves of absence; and approve their special detail, additional assignments, additional compensation, resignation and retirement in accordance with the policies approved by the Board of Regents.
    (g) To set up machinery for review of all disciplinary actions appealable to the Office of the President, and for the consideration of positions for redress of grievances.
    (h) To submit to the Board of Regents the course of study and academic programs, rules of discipline, and awards of degrees and diplomas as recommended by the University Council.
    (i) To award fellowships, assistantships and scholarships to students, faculty members and other personnel, in accordance with the policies prescribed by the Board of Regents.
    (j) To plan, prepare and implement a University program for the training and education of adult citizens and out-of-school youths.
    (k) To negotiate and obtain grants for specific projects, gifts and donations of real or personal property of all kinds, subject to the confirmation of the Board of Regents, and to administer the same for the benefit of the University, its units, departments, or students in accordance with the directions and instructions of the donor, and in default thereof, in such manner as the Board of Regents may in its discretion determines.
    (l) To maintain links with other academic and research institutions as to ensure fruitful academic and technical interchange and maximize the use of human and physical resources.
    (m) To prepare for approval of the Board of Regents the budget of the University.
    (n) To submit to the Board of Regents annual report on the operation of the University, and such other reports as the latter may require.
    (o) To prescribe rules and regulations not contrary to law for the governance of the University consistent with its purposes and the policies laid down by the Board of Regents.

    (p) To exercise such other powers and discharge such other responsibilities as may be delegated to him by the Board of Regents; Provided, that he shall institute or effect an appropriate and efficient exercise or discharge such powers or responsibilities as may be necessary for the expeditious administration of the University.

Section 8. A quorum of the Board of Regents shall consist of a majority of all the members holding office at the time the meeting is called. All processes against the Board of Regents shall be served on the President or secretary thereof.

Section 9. There shall be a secretary of the University, who shall serve concurrently as the Secretary of the Board of Regents.

Section 10. There shall be a University Council consisting of the President, Vice-President/s, Deans, Heads of Academic Departments, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors. The President shall be the chairman of the Council.
Subject to the approval of the Board of Regents, upon the recommendation of the President in accordance with the policies and standards established by the Board, the University Council shall:

    (a) Prescribed the course of study, curricula and rules of discipline of students;
    (b) Fix the requirements for admission to any College or unit of the University and for graduation and the awarding of degrees;
    (c) Recommend recipients of degrees or diplomas;
    (d) Exercise disciplinary powers over the students through the President or its appropriate Committees pursuant to the rules of discipline prescribed by the Board of Regents; and
    (e) Create Committees as it may deem necessary for the performance of its functions.
Section 11. The instructors and professors of each College shall constitute its faculty to be presided by a Dean who shall be selected from among the members of such faculty for a term fixed by the University Council and conformed by the Board of Regents, upon recommendation of the President of the University.

Section 12. In the appointment of instructors or professors to the University, religious opinions or affiliations shall not be made a matter of inquiry or explanation; Provided, however, that no instructor or professor shall inculcate sectarian tenets in any of his teachings nor attempt directly or indirectly, under penalty of dismissal by the Board of Regents, to influence students or attendants of the University for or against any particular church, denomination or religious sect; Provided, further, that no member of the faculty of the University shall attempt directly or indirectly, under penalty of dismissal by the Board of Regents, to influence students or attendants of the University towards any ideology, political or otherwise, which preaches the overthrow of the Government through violence or subversion.

Section 13. Professors or instructors seeking appointments in the University shall be exempt from Civil Service Examinations or regulations; provided, however, that copies of their appointments shall be furnished to the Civil Service Commission for notation and record purposes.

Section 14. A student shall not be denied admission to the University by reason of sex, ethnic consideration, religious belief or affiliation.

Section 15. On or before the fifteenth day of January of each calendar year, the Board of Regents shall file with the President of the Philippines a detailed report setting forth the progress, condition and needs of the University.

Section 16. Heads of Bureaus and Offices of the National Government are hereby authorized to loan or transfer, upon request of the President of the University, such apparatus, equipment or supplies as may be needed by the University and to detail employees for duty therein, when in the judgment of the head of the Bureau of Office, such apparatus, equipment, supplies or services of such employees can be spared without serious detriment to the public service. Employees so detailed shall perform such duties as required under such detail, and the time so employed shall be counted as part of their official service.

Section 17. The College President and all the personnel of the Mindanao Institute of Technology, as well as its unexpended appropriations, and all its assets and liabilities are hereby automatically absorbed by the University of Southern Mindanao. The position of College President of the Mindanao Institute of Technology is hereby converted into University President without the necessity of issuance of new appointment; Provided, that the six years term starts upon the approval of this decree.

Section 18. In addition to the amount already appropriated for the Mindanao Institute of Technology, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of Twenty (P20) Million Pesos for purposes of carrying out immediately the provisions of this decree. Hereafter, the sum of Ten (P10) Million Pesos, in addition to existing budget, shall be appropriated annually and included in the General Appropriation Act to carry out the provisions of this Decree.

Section 19. All acts, parts of acts, executive orders, ordinances, rules and regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of this decree are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.

Section 20. This decree shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 13th day of March, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-eight. - Pres Ferdinand Marcos

RA 4127 - MIT Charter Amendments


SECTION 1.    Section one of Republic Act Numbered Seven hundred sixty-three, otherwise known as the Charter of the Mindanao Institute of Technology, is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 1.    There is hereby established in the Municipal District of Kabacan, Province of Cotabato, island of Mindanao, a vocational college to be known as the Mindanao Institute of Technology which will offer not only elementary, secondary general, secondary vocational and normal courses of instruction but also collegiate courses leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics, Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering and such other courses leading to bachelor's degree. It shall also offer courses on the graduate level along its fields of specialization as the need of the college and community so demands. It shall likewise offer opportunities for manual labor as assistance to self-supporting students.

SECTION 2.    Section three of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 3.    The governing body of the Institute shall be the Board of Trustees of the Mindanao Institute of Technology. The said Board shall be composed of the Secretary of Education, who shall be the Chairman, the Chairman of the Committee on Education of the Senate, the Chairman of the Committee on Education of the House of Representatives, the Director of Public Schools, the President of the College, the representative selected by the Mindanao Institute of Technology Alumni Association, and a prominent member of cultural minority of Cotabato to be designated by the President of the Philippines. In the absence or the inability of the Secretary of Education, or in the event that there is no incumbent Secretary of Education, the Undersecretary of Education shall act as the ex-officio chairman of the Board of Trustees. In the absence or inability of the Director of Public Schools to attend meetings of the Board, he shall be represented by the Assistant Director for Vocational Education.
"The trustees of the Institute shall serve without compensation other than actual and necessary expenses incurred either in attendance upon meetings of the Board or upon other official business authorized by resolution thereof."

SECTION 3.    Sub-section (c) of Section four of the same Act is amended to read as follows:

"(c)    To appoint, on the recommendation of the President of the Institute, teachers, principals, supervisors, instructors, professors, lecturers, and other employees of the Institute, to fix their compensation, hours of service and such other duties and conditions as it may deem proper; to grant to them, in its discretion, leave of absence under such regulation as it may promulgate, any other provisions of law notwithstanding, and to remove them for cause after investigation and hearing shall have been had;”

SECTION 4.    Section six of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 6.    On or before the fifteenth of the second month after the opening of regular classes of each year, the Board of Trustees shall file with the President of the Philippines a detailed report, setting forth the programs, conditions, and needs of the Institute."

SECTION 5.    This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: June 20, 1964

RA 998 - Enabling Act


Approved by Pres. Ramon Magsaysay on June 10, 1954

Section 1.     The sum of two hundred thousand pesos, or so much thereof may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the establishment of the Mindanao Institute of Technology, created by Republic Act Numbered Seven Hundred and sixty-three, for the school year nineteen hundred and fifty-four to nineteen hundred and fifty five. 

Section 2.     This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

RA 763 - MIT Creation


Approved by President Elpidio Quirino on June 20, 1952

Section 1.    There is hereby established in the municipal district of Kabacan, Province of Cotabato, Island of Mindanao, a vocational college to be known as the Mindanao Institute of Technology which will offer not only elementary, secondary general, secondary vocational and normal courses of instruction but also collegiate agricultural and industrial courses leading to bachelors' degrees. It shall also offer opportunities for manual labor as assistance to self-supporting students.

Section 2.    The head of the Institute shall be known as the President of the Mindanao Institute of Technology. He shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Institute. The powers and duties of the President of the Institute, in addition to those specifically provided in this Act, shall be those usually pertaining to the office of the president of a college or university. 

Section 3.    The governing body of the Institute shall be the Board of Trustees of the Mindanao Institute of Technology. The said Board shall be composed of the Secretary of Education, who shall be the chairman, the Chairman of the Committee on Education of the Senate, the Chairman of the Committee on Education of the House of Representatives, the Director of Public Schools, the President of the College, and a prominent non-Christian resident of Cotabato to be designated by the President of the Philippines.
The trustees of the Institute shall serve without compensation other than actual and necessary expenses incurred either in attendance upon meetings of the Board or upon other official business authorized by resolution thereof.

Section 4.    The Board of Trustees shall have the following powers and duties, in addition to its general powers of administration:
(a)    To receive and appropriate to the ends specified by law such sums as may be provided by law for the support of the Institutes;
(b)    To confer certificates, diplomas or degrees upon successful candidates for graduation;
(c)    To appoint, on the recommendation of the President of the Institute, teachers, principals, supervisors, instructors, professors, lectures, and other employees of the Institute, to fix their compensation, hours of service and such other duties and conditions as it may deem proper; to grant to them, in its discretion, leave of absence under such regulations as it may promulgate, any other provisions of law notwithstanding and to remove them for cause after an investigation and hearing shall have been had;
(d)    To approve the curricula and rules of discipline drawn up by the Institute Council as hereinafter provided;
(e)    To fix the tuition fees required of students, as well as matriculation fees, graduation fees and fees for laboratory courses, and special fees, and to remit the same in special cases;
(f)    To provide fellowships for faculty members and scholarships to students showing special evidence of merit;
(g)    To provide rules for its own government, and to enact for the government of the Institute such general ordinances and regulations, not contrary to law, as are necessary;
(h)    To receive in trust legacies, gifts, and donations of real personal property of all kinds and to administer the same and other properties of the Institute for the benefit of the Institute or ford to any student, in accordance with the directions and instructions of the donor, and, in default thereof, in such manner as the Board of Trustees may in its discretion determine.
(i)    To mortgage, lease, pledge, or otherwise encumber the whole or any portion of the real or personal properties of the Institute.

Section 5.    A quorum of the Board of Trustees shall consist of a majority of all members. All process against the Board of Trustees shall be served on the President or secretary thereof.

Section 6.    On or before the fifteenth of June of each year, the Board of Trustees shall file with the President of the Philippines a detailed report, setting forth the progress, conditions, and needs of the Institute.

Section 7.    There shall be an Institute Council consisting of the President of the Institute and of all instructors and professors of the Institute. The Council shall have the power to prescribe the curricula and rules and discipline, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. It shall fix the requirements for admission to the Institute, as well as for graduation and the receiving of a degree. The Council alone shall have the power to recommend students or others to be recipients of degrees. Through its President or committee, it shall have disciplinary power over the students within the limits prescribed by the rules of discipline approved by the Board of Trustees.

Section 8.    The body of teachers, principals, supervisors, instructors and professors of the Institute shall constitute the faculty of the Institute, with the President of the Institute as the presiding officer. In the appointment of professors or instructors of the Institute, no religious test shall be applied, nor shall the religious opinions or affiliations of the faculty of the Institute be made a matter of examination or inquiry: Provided, however, That no instructor or professor in the Institute shall inculcate sectarian tenets in any of the teachings, nor attempt either directly or indirectly, under penalty of dismissal by the Board of Trustees, to influence students or attendants at the Institute for or against any particular church or religious sect.

Section 9.    Professors and other regular instructors in the Institute shall be exempt as such from any civil service examinations or regulations as a requisite to appointment.

Section 10.    There shall be a secretary of the Institute, appointed by the Board of Trustees. He shall be the secretary of such Board and also of the Institute, and shall keep such records of the Institute as may be designated by the Board.

Section 11.    The following property and all its improvements are hereby transferred to the Mindanao Institute of Technology for the use of the Institute in carrying out the purposes on this Act:
C. T. Nos. 5 and 8, Lots Nos. 650-M and 649, PID-B.L. Survey 5 C-338-A, with sales Applications Nos. 338-A (E-29) of the Rio Grande Rubber Estate Company, situated in the municipal district of Kabacan, Province of Cotabato, Mindanao; containing an area of 1023.0025 hectares more or less (EPC Acct. No. 946).
The produce and income of the foregoing property and its improvements shall be expended by the Institute as hereinabove stated.

Section 12.    The sum of fifty thousand pesos is hereby authorized to be appropriated from the National Treasury to carry the purposes of this Act.

Section 13.    This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Seeing beyond scholarships (a repost)

(A message shared to the USM scholars of Youth Educational Support for Mindanao (YES Mindanao) of the Partnership for Youth Leadership Enrichment)

An international student doing her thesis asked PYLE trustees in one of our meetings if whether education helped in anyway in achieving peace and development in Mindanao. Without hesitation, we answered yes! The follow up question was rather more striking. “Then why is it that revolutionary movements are usually led by educated individuals?”

The question raised by the said researcher somehow made me rethink on the value of our scholarship program in achieving peace and development in our region. We always assume that providing this scholarship program can help plant the seed of peace and progress but that question made us contemplate on how to deliver appropriate services for our beneficiaries. Our history has shown us how knowledge was used as either to build up or destroy human civilizations. In this way, I can say how education is a double edge dagger that is both beneficial and detrimental depending on how one holds the dagger.

Knowledge is power. Many men reached the pedestal of the society because they are “learned” and “knowledgeable” giving them the sense of power. However, knowledge is sometimes dangerous. Adam and Eve were warned of the consequences of obtaining knowledge. Needless to say, power corrupts men. And we have seen how power has changed men. In the context of our scholarship program, we thought of integrating values formation to let our scholars understand the goodness of humanity beyond the four walls of a classroom. It is not what you learned from the university that matters most but the ideals and values you acquired from the four years of college life. A famous scientist once said that learning is what is left of your humanity when you strip yourself of your degrees and of what you learned in the classroom. But I just don't know if Einstein ever have rested in peace knowing that his science was used by technocrats in building nuclear weapons that has the potential to wipe out human race. Spiderman was right. With great power, comes great responsibility.

Our support for education is founded on the great beyond. Our scholarship is not about the allowances, it is about how you use it wisely. It is not about the uniforms, it is about wearing it with dignity and pride. It is not about books but it is about what you have read and understood. It is not about providing a dormitory, it is about understanding culture of one's roommates. It is not about the diploma but the person holding the diploma. It is not about the person with professional titles, it is about how they use their titles for the greater and common good. It is not about religious differences, it is about the commonalities of our faith. It is not about the grades, it is about wisdom.

To the scholars, my exhortation is about your responsibility to the real world. Providing the resources for the sixty scholars is not what worry us the most. It is the thousand others who have not even set foot on a classroom. We are more interested on how the inclusion of the few can help those thousands excluded. Education is a double-edge dagger. We do not like to create an elite irresponsible intellectuals who will trample down the rights of the majority. With great power, comes great responsibility, so to speak. We hope that our services can help our scholars find wisdom on what is right and just. Our organization has limited resources, and we can only afford to support a few. It is only our hope that somehow these privileged individuals will do something to uplift the conditions of their respective families and communities. When this happens, it somehow compensates the efforts of the program to bringforth change in every scholar's life that would radiate and influence others' lives. Our dear scholars, the gains of your experiences will serve as an inspiration that will continue to linger on for those who hope and dream for better life ahead. As you soar high, don't forget to take others with you to be the catalysts of tomorrow.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

USM sa mata ng isang bata

Maliit pa lang ako nang una kong narinig ang MIT o USM sa tatay ko. Ang aking kapatid na babae ay ipinangalan niya sa founder ng MIT. Kung pag-aaral ang pag-uusapan, malaki talaga ang paghanga niya sa institusyon na ito. Lumaki sa bulubunduking bahagi ng Cotabato ang tatay ko. At ang makapag-aral sa isang pamantasan ay sadyang napakalaking karangalan na. Well, hindi naman talagang nakapagtapos sa USM-Kabacan ang tatay ko. Ang aking ama ay nakapagtapos ng high school sa Arakan Valley Agricultural School (AVAS) bilang isa sa mga pioneer na mga estudyante. Maraming mga kwento ang aking ama sa mga karanasan niya sa MIT o at least sa AVAS. Masasabi mong walang sinabi ang UP kung makapagsalita siya. May panahon daw kasi na naipadala daw siya sa UPLB para sa FFP convention at marami daw silang napanalunan. Masaya daw ang kanilang high school life noon at magagaling ang mga guro kagaya nila Dr. Teofilo Dela Cruz, Dr. Ramon Damag, at Mr. Rapisura.

Hindi man niya sabihin, parang sinasabi na niya na ako ay mag-aaral din sa USM.  Upang maikasatuparan ang kanyang binabalak (buti naman at di maitim), paminsan-minsan ay pinapasyal nya ako sa USM campus kung makapagbakasyon kami sa Cotabato. Naninirahan kami sa Panabo at halos buong araw ang biyahe noon mula Davao hanggang Carmen. Maraming stopover: bibingka sa Digos, prutas sa Makilala, yung estatwa ng pulis na may kalong na batang patay sa Kidapawan, ang gasolinahan sa Matalam, ang alas punong paghihintay ng jeep sa may Kabacan, ang pagsakay ng ferry sa may Lumayong. Halos bawat taun-taon ay nagbabakasyon kami sa Carmen (diretso Valencia Bukidnon ikot sa Buda, sa Davao). Sa bawat paglalakbay na ito, hindi talaga mawawala ang kwentong AVAS at MIT habang nasa daan pa kami. At sa siwang ng bintana ng jeep, sa pagitan ng mga binting nakabitin (nasa topload kasi yung iba) ay di talagang makaligtaang ituro at ipagmamayabang ang USM sa hitsura ng isang mosque (IMEAS). Sa murang isipan ko ay nakakatak na ang kakaibang pamantasan na ito.  

Minsang nadalaw kami sa aking tiyuhin sa may Guiang, hiniram ng tatay ko ang bisikleta ni Uncle Tax. Angkas ako, kami ay nag-Tour de USM. Hindi ko malimutan na para akong na-stiff-neck sa kakatingala sa mga naglalakihang building habang naninigas na ang ilong ko sa alikabok. Naituro nya ang Old admin (CBDEM na ngayon), post office, student body building, gym, kadiwa, amphitheater, aringay river. Hanggang sa pugot na monumento ni Magsaysay. Kwento pa niya, nagmumulto daw ang rebultong yaon sabay kakaripas sa pagpapatakbo ng bisikleta (pang horror effect). Kahirap kaya kung nakaback-ride ka sa bako-bako at maalikabok na daan. Itinuro din niya ang CHEFS, women's dorm (sabay ngiti) at nagpahinga saglit sa harap ng presidential cottage. Ang landmark talaga na nakatatak sa mura kong pag-iisip ay ang matayog na tower ng scouting. Iwan ko rin, manghang-mangha talaga ako sa tower na yon to think na di pala ganun kataas yun!

Sinabotahe talaga siguro ako ng tatay ko dahil kahit ang pagkuha ng UP entrance ay hindi siya pumayag. Sa madaling sabi, ako ay mag-aaral na sa USM. Wala pa akong napupusuang kurso. Pero ang ama ko gusto niya akong kumuha ng BSA Plant Pathology. Kasi nga naipangalan ako sa isang American agriculturist ng TADECO na naging kaibigan ng tatay ko habang nagsisikyu siya doon. Pero pinirata ako ng aking tiyuhin sa agricultural engineering. And the rest is history.